I’m glad you are recovering, dear Karena. This issue is a reminder for me that I can’t always be on, so I need to build a process that anticipates rest--or the thing will take itself, abruptly, perhaps without notice, but certainly. The fear of resting at an inopportune time feels a lot like FOMO, and I am actively releasing that. Intentional scheduled sprints and rest will get me further and help me last longer. I’ve got to continue reminding myself of this--reading Tilt the Future is also a great reminder.

I’m looking forward to checking out The Crows’ books, and glad you had so much adventure and connection these last weeks. What a joy to meet internet friends IRL.

In the mid-Atlantic region we were affected by the air quality. The children had indoor recess Thursday and Friday because of it. Some things we certainly take for granted!

And thank you! I’m excited to be included in this week’s edition. I shared your wisdom with my best friend who is also raising littles. We feasted on this idea that our dreams for them are smaller than their own. It is for sure encouraging. We are continuing to actively look for ways to encourage and foster that exploration before we become their chauffeurs.

Looking forward to this exploration and all their imaginations dream up! Thank you as always for the encouragement.

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Thank you for sharing these ideas with others, Dekera. I hear (through the grapevine) that you have a few IRL meetings in your future.

You value the personal, too, I know.

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What a great view Karena - Interpersonal connections generates life's best moments. It drives friendships, stimulating discussions and a lot energy to act. This will continue to grow.

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We see that in the vibrant brain trust gathering in WoP, right Shorjoe? People power!

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Yup a brain trust that drives new & original thoughts among all its members. A one of kind experience.

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I love your perspective--your clear eyed vision of the ups and downs of life is always balanced with your optimism and encouragement. My writing would not be the same without you and I am deeply honored to be your friend.

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The honor is all mine. You worry the first ro comment on my work. I'm forever grateful for your support and encouragement.

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Such a delight and privilege to share actual space with you Karena this weekend, together with a bunch of amazing women. 💞

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We are in a special space and specially blessed, Margaret!

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Any issue with our eyes is scary. I hope your recovery is still going well!

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