Karena, your shorter than typical post was anything but short on meaning. What a great story and message. As incoming freshmen, my twin daughters tried out for high school volleyball team this week. One of them made the JV team and one made the Fr/So team. First time in their lives that they’re not on the same team. The one making the lower team is distraught about it-not playing with her sister, along with the perception she’s not as good.

All week long I’ve tenderly expressed to her that we can’t yet know why, but…she’s exactly where she’s supposed to be. Maybe it’s because one of her new teammates needs her companionship? Maybe maybe maybe. But they key is to, as you say, TRUST, and then surrender into the unfolding. Hard for a 14 year old, but we have to start developing our trust and surrender muscles as often as we can.

Thank you for the meaningful essay. 🙏❤️

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Such emotion for one so young. I send her my love and send you support as you parent her with such wisdom.

I see now that sharing this piece today is where I had to be.

Thank you, again, James, for catching me as I was flagging on my writing and sharing journey.

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I smile every time you touch me with your words and presence. (You’re a big heart in my bowl!)

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It's mutual, James!

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That's a beautiful prayer card, Karena <3

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I find much strength and acceptance in it Becky.

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Aug 17Liked by Karena

Love the prayer and photo of you and your mom! St. Therese ROCKS!

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Joann - I just got your email about you being a St. Therese wanna-be and hoped to be a saint by age 24!

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I love this post Karena, a graceful reminder to ‘be’ where we are.

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Sometimes in the rush to get somewhere we forget to just be where we are (upside down in a kayak!)

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This is so beautiful. I'm thankful you had such a loving and kind mother and can share her wisdom with all of us. I remember things my mom told me, too...and they bless my heart nearly 13 years after her death. I pray I can do the same for my children as I know you do for yours.

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You are lightness and joy, Cindy, and I am sure your mother was a big part of that. I would love to learn more about her if you care to share her words that matter in your posts.

We never grow too old for Mummy-magic!

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Aug 16Liked by Karena

A sweet reminder, thanks Karena.

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Thanks, Kathy.

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This post was like a much needed hug for me today, Karena! 💛

What a beautiful message and photo of you and your dear mom.

Thanks for always being a comfort and inspiration. 😊

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I swear I had typed a long message back earlier, Allie!

Thank you for your message. This poem reminds me that I am not alone and I am not the first. These emotions I feel have been felt by others. For centuries.

I trust you are well, and I am always inspired by your embrace of life and sharing the great with the good and bad.

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