omg i'm calling all my reruns "pulling a tswift" from now on

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😉 She is not a trail-blazer for nothing! And can I say how much a love that you are still my first heart each edition. Thank you, Christin. I thought of you particularly when I was writing that meditation post. I am on a 13-day streak of trying (ie opening the app, not always succeeding!)

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Omigosh I LOOOVE Rudy Francisco! One that I pull out a lot is Good Morning: https://genius.com/Rudy-francisco-good-morning-annotated

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I'm adding that one to my daily roster. Have you read "I Bet The Trees Are Thinking"? I was stunned by "Volcano Surfing". This man sees the world through a lens I need to borrow!

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Karena - I listened to your voice over this week. I was deeply moved, not just by your usual inspirational content, but by the passion and tone of you speaking it. beautifully done. and yes, I have all those slip sliding memories of my childhood as well. on one hand I feel so unable to make a difference, but I haven’t driven my car in many weeks and don’t fill the gas tank more than a few times a year because I’m able to take my bike everywhere in town. It fills me with joy every time I get on it. Not only because of the connection it affords me with my town and neighbourhood but also because I know I’m at least not contributing more load to the problem.

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Thank you for encouraging me to use my voice as well as my words, Rick. That is truly special coming from someone who makes their living on stage.

I am constantly in awe of all the little things you do daily that contribute to a positive mental attitude. I was recently listening to the Maya Shankar episode E198 on The Knowledge Project ... and so much of our influence comes from the way we talk to ourselves, about ourselves. You are "filled with joy" as you contribute to cleaner air. Wonderful! (And thank you!)

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I just saw today's post and the video as well. Inspired by these experiments and forays into a variety of media to elevate your communications. It's working.

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Thank you, Rick. I've been experimenting with video and podcasting since 2018 - trying to figure out how to grab the attention of GenZ. Words come easiest. Now that I am home with my various tech at hand, I can experiment again.

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