What a surprise to be mentioned here Karena! I was reading down through your piece and thought I’d mention my recent unplugged experience walking on the Camino Francés and suddenly there I was! To add, that particular albergue was without electricity, so quite literally an unexpected unplugged experience that night. But wonderful and I’d highly recommend.

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How did i miss that it was the French Camino, Margaret!

The Unplugged experience is one I too would recommend.

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It’s so named Karena because it starts in France, at St. Jean Pied de Port, then crosses the Pyrenees and goes right across the north of Spain to Santiago. We just did a section of it this time, in Spain. But it’s calling us back already - maybe an autumn trip?

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Thank you for the mention Karena. I loved the call-out on the Shaan Puri comment that parents are the only people on earth who care about you more than you even care about yourself. Hadn't caught that one earlier. That seems to me to be the whole driving force of Tribe Tilt, how much we as parents want future generations to thrive. It's what gets me up every day, the drive to make the world a better place for my kids.

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Thank you for gleaning something from the summary emails that you had not noticed before, Rick! That tells me my instincts were right. As is the pull to highlight your commentary, because you see material in the spaces between the lines that was not yet visible to me!

What a great motto for Tribe Tilt: "We want future generations to thrive! We want to make the world a better place for our kids - for everyone's kids. It is what gets us up each day."

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May 21Liked by Karena

Hi Karena - wonderful to read your reflections of our precious week. I’m en route to Copenhagen to the Sustainable Fashion Summit and then B Corp Conf in Amsterdam- the first to soak up and learn (my mini retreat) and to talk about the power of the consumer at the second. Thank you for sharing news about my book!

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Diane - I am glad that you get to be pampered as you did for all of us on our wonderful week long retreat. Your attention to detail, your care and concern for the experience of the Cevennes each of us would walk away with is indicative of your concern and care for the world and how we experience and sustain it. I look forward to the book!

Enjoy your time in Copenhagen and Amsterdam to replenish and rejuvenate!!

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One of the best treats of the week was spending time with you. Even in grief, you are a bright star and pure joy. Thank you for your kindness and the way you consistently look to make life better for everyone around you. Bless you, dear friend.

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