Ugh! That is a very difficult question. Every week has something that moves me or instructs me. But here are a few of my favorites: 13, 19, 26, 27, 60, 67, 69, 85, 87.... I could go on and on!

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This was very helpful, Cindy. I myself had forgotten some of those editions!

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While it may be true that the next 1000 days are critical for the direction of AI and it might be taken as a call to somehow get involved or concerned on that front, it seems perfect, and even more squarely a contribution to the universe that you are prioritizing your mom and your travels with her and your family right now. Bless your whole clan and your bond! Thank you for the demonstration of priorities.

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Thank you, Rick! She sends her best wishes.

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"We have to be willing to step away from our desks and our keyboards and search for that white space and introspection that allows new ideas to bubble to the surface" Karena, I applaud your clarity about stepping away from posting to focus on the changes and demands of being with your mom and family fulltime for several months. You will never regret being as fully present to this experience as possible. We're here, all along, hopefully holding you and celebrating life with you and your precious family.

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You inspire me, Joann. You keep up your rhythm of participating, verbalizing and writing. AND caring for those around you. You are my role model.

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...and I'm a huge sucker for anything that talks about your parents xo

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Enjoy this special time with you mother Karena and safe travels! I look forward to checkins in any form.

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Thank you, Kathy. I'll show up!

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Safe travels!

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I always feel like I'm on a speeding train when I read your posts--so much incredible goodness speeds by in a couple thousand words. I have to re- and re- and reread to glean every nugget. I want you to get the rest and time off you need, but I definitely want to see you check in regularly. Is that selfish of me? =)

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You have the ability to keep me accountable. So I know I will see messages from you if I miss a week in publication! As someone who has been with me from the start, which is a memorable edition that deserves a second bow?

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You had me at “rest,” Karena! That’s my ultimate goal now that WoP is over too. 😅

Safe travels and can’t wait for updates.

P.S. Love the old map photos!

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Please embrace that rest, Alexandra! Congratulations on your new job (you know that line was written specifically for you, right??!)

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Aww thank you, I smiled when I saw it! 💛

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👏 please keep us posted on your travels. Wishing you safety, joy, and presence. Shifts can be hard, especially with family and care. Take care of your mum, take care of yourself, too. Looking forward to the photos and writings.

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Thanks Emma! Let me know if there are topics you would like to see on the roster.

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Waiting for you to come to India. I really want to try and meet you!

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Enjoy time with your mom!

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