Hey Karena!! Thank you so much for featuring me on you newsletter! Hilarious - you actually locked the door. Must have been nice ;)

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My Mom read it, Baxter, and she liked not just the very important message, but the way you delivered it too. Thank you! Check out the restack messages too. Bill Tomoff shared his method for separating work from distraction.

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Love this essay from Baxter! Thanks for promoting it Karena!

After reading this, I shut off all notifications on my phone expect for text & call. And set timers for work related apps to be active from 6 - 6pm & be on mute otherwise.

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Wow, loved how it made you take action! It's a worthwhile experiment. After trying this, I don't really see myself going back anytime soon. Life is just ... more calm....

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Thanks Mohammed (by the way, loved your India travel essay too, and wish I could write your poetic sentences!) I knew Baxter's memorable "bothersome dog" metaphor would resonate strongly with many people. As I am constantly advocating for finding the signal within the noise, this was an appropriate essay to share within our Tribe.

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We moved back to the town where two of my older kids live and one of my favorite things is them dropping by for a surprise visit. In general, I like the idea of keeping a tighter lock on the digital door and more open policy on the real one. Unless you have a whole bunch of cousins and need to get settle of course.

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"Dropping in" is a treasured characteristic of our community too, regardless of whether they are in Africa, India or Canada! Buy, yes. I just needed a few uninterrupted to get my act together!

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Wow, you perfectly described the close village vibe. Feel so snug!

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Have you been following my insta story on @tiltthefuture? Snug says it right. I am blessed to have this experience available to me.

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