Sorry for your loss, Karena. We all need mentors like Peter. Thanks for sharing the story of how he opened your son's eyes to the endless possibilities out there. Love the recap of previous editions by theme, btw. Three clear niches are emerging.

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Aug 20, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022Author

People who don't talk down to a thirteen year old are a rare find. And one that inspires is more so. And you are right, no matter our age, we all need mentors like Peter.

Thanks for the comment on the niches. "Raising future-ready leaders" came together this week, and feels so right!

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So close to 50!

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Also, I’m sorry for your loss and your gain (in the way he touched your family).

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Thank you, Simone. I know we both like the word serendipity. This is evidence it exists.

And yes, so close to a year's worth of newsletters!

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I'm sorry for your loss, and grateful to hear about Peter's story in how he helped your son. <3

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Thank you, Christin. I found out today. I feel a deep debt of gratitude towards Peter.

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