Thanks for the feature, Karena!

“”” “How can I help you?” It is the first thing Leo will ask if you reach out to him. He values the personal 1:1 relationships in the world. If he can help you, he will. Or he will seek out another option for you. “””

Yes, it’s true! I extend this offer to any member of Tribe Tilt 🐲

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Nice to read about you, Leo. Via a mutual friend Karena... We go back a very very long time. She and me... To school days in beautiful Goa. (India)... If you're ever headed this way (or find yourself here or near-by) - gimme a holler. I too try and do whatever I can to make the world a lil bit better... And to teach people to pass-on the kindness and maybe pay it forward. Would be great to meet-up, maybe even connect sometime... ;-)

Stay well, stay happy and do keep up the good work. We sure need more of it....!

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Love this engagement and conversation between the two of you, Ricky and Leo.

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Great Ricky! (That used to be my old name 😄)

Good to hear that you and Karena go way back! I will likely be in India in 2024, so will hit you up then! 👍

Thanks for the encouraging words!

Best, Leo

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Intrigued by the "That used to be my old name 😄"... Statement. You were called Ricky? You changed your name? Interesting.....

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Yep, decided to change my name in 2022. I see name as a way to express ourselves, so I decided to choose one that better suits me. Hence Leo Ariel

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My pleasure, Leo. I hope I accurately described Peers.

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Karen, I love this scrapbook in a shoebox retrospective that you curate each year. Emptying the contents that have captured the gems - and heart-wrenching moments - of the year.

Your invitation to design moments of quiet into the rhythm of our fast and furious family week, is a moment to remember the agency in our life. We can choose to have balance.

What I'm intrigued by is what the difference is between Tilt the Future, and Tribe Tilt.

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Thank you for reflecting back, particularly about our agency to create quiet and wrest control.

And thank you for that question. I suspect you are asking a question on behalf of a number of new readers, so I'll answer it in the recap issue E84.

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Love the concept of divergent and convergent years. And the shoebox idea is awesome! I have a fear of accumulating too much stuff, so I'm not sure I can make myself pull it off, but I think I'm going to try.

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(Data) Hoarders of the world unite! I got a little practice from living out of a suitcase for a year. Don't think for a minute that I live an ordered tidy life however. It remains a daily struggle (which is why I have to come up with systems).

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Love the concept of convergent vs divergent years. The shoe box review is a gem idea! You inspire me to take more organized approach to life. I have stacks of notebooks and papers, but never put them together for reviews or anything --- now I gotta start doing it before it's too late!

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Helen - it came together as a solution for my disorganization! Now I go to the box for fragments of meaningful memories, for pages pulled out of my journal, the outline of my book on a napkin. Sticky notes, special birthday cards and the like. Some boxes have shells from the beach vacation, brooches, toys and tiny books. The most innocuous piece of paper can hold the best memories. Good luck.

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The shoe box review is hands down my favorite gem in this issue. I love this idea as a family ritual. I really want to implement this at home. Many thanks for sharing this. Nice profile on Leo too! Cheers!

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In hindsight, that response would have been in character of the essay if I'd said "it is a convergent moment in our increasingly divergent lives."

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Ah . . . yes, perfect.

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Thanks Rick! I found it really helpful for bonding our family as we live increasingly separated daily lives.

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I have boxes with similar contents but missing any sort of structure. I really like the idea of the year end review Karena and will put that into action for some added convergence...

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It is also a nice way for the whole family to share in our collective adventures. Instead of me being the hub of the family memory wheel, the spokes get to share in the stories. Have fun, Adrian.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023Liked by Karena

Nice one Karana. As always - do keep up the good work.

More than anything now-a-days, I do feel that people need the push. Folk of our gen - to get outta our complacence and do something (before we're done on this planet) and folk of the younger-gen, to learn from the experience we have (or info they now have access to) and get started doing something of value, something that makes a difference, something that will be left behind - long after they're back to dust!

They're good, smart, empowered and have information-at-their-fingertips (literally) that makes me jealous. But yeah, they're also kind and caring and often use it for good. That makes me glad...

And yes, these kinda articles sure do inspire, push and motivate folk... Keep up the great work.

* On a side note - Nice pic of you... Recent? It's sure been too long. ;-)

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The shoe box and the annual review is such a brilliant and simple idea.

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