“I was not born with an expiry date tattooed” an amazing thought to live by. Sometimes years go by with us chasing things that ultimately meant or will mean little. I was thinking about this with the lens of measurable and unmeasurable - we track things we can measure ($ in the bank) but do not track things that are less easier (emotional state, stress levels, health)

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That description has stuck with me since I first heard it, Promeet. Particularly poignant when you realize a 26-yr-old said it. I like your thoughts on the unmeasurables.

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I can highly recommend the book Four Thousand Weeks.

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Thanks Laila. I will search it out. It seems to have made quite an impact on you.

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Nice one K. Very.

Of what use having lived, if one hasn't made a difference... Huh?

So true. Every day in every way possible. That's always been my guiding principle. It makes life so much better and fun too.

Keep inspiring, K. It's good stuff you're doing. ❤️

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Ricky, thanks.

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Karena, this is awesome. Why wasn’t I already a subscriber? What was I waiting for? Thank you for this beautiful piece.

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Ha ha! Thank you for your kind words, Silvio. And welcome to Tribe Tilt! You are filled with positivity and possibility - our kind of people.

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Embracing you with much love during this time of loss, especially of an uncle who gave you unconditional love. What a gift, what a legacy. You do that all the time, my friend.

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I have been blessed to have great role models. Up to me to gift that experience forward, Joann. Thank you for your love and support.

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Another thought provoking message Karena . As we come to the end of the year and we pass All Saints day and All Souls day it seems a good time to ponder our mortality and our legacy.

thank you

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The fragility of life, too. And the importance of not waiting to tell those we love most profoundly that we do.

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I saved your blessings quote on my growing pile of notes on interfaith principles

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Christin - I'll share more when we chat tomorrow. But I love the last chapter of Benedictus. Particularly the thought that anyone can give a blessing. My daughter and nieces blessed their grand-uncle before he passed.

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