150! That's an inspiration all in itself, not to mention the articulation of these beliefs. Now subscribed to your You Tube channel as well.

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Thank you, Rick. "Never did I ever ..." think I would still be here 150 issues later! Now that you are subscribed, I'm going to have to 'up' my YouTube game. Maybe join your latest "All my stories"?!

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I think you would love the tool from the perspective of family legacy, documenting and sharing. But yes, it would certainly give you an inventory of life stories to draw from for your videos as well.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27Author

I'm going to have to move first to get into the first subscriber cohort! Had my head down creating that video this week!

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Aww it warms my heart to know I’ve had the gift of being around since your first edition, Karena!! Having just clicked on it I had to laugh at how back then, we didn’t even know we could ‘like’ and ‘comment.’ We were not only new writers but new to substack. So grateful we’ve stuck with both for nearly three years now!!! ♥️

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Thank you for always being in my corner, Inspiring me through your own writing and exploration. How did I make it to 150?! Through the support of readers like you, Ally!

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Likewise, you helped me get my first edition out and have been a huge supporter ever since! Thank you SO much. 😊 ♥️

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Wow, congratulations for 150!!!

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Thank you. It really backs what you say ... start with what is in front of you, just 15 minutes. And before you know it, you have a sketch book.

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