Hit PUBLISH [aka Your Words May Impact A Life]
E164: Why (we) write, "Saving Us" by Katharine Hayhoe, WoP13
What is stopping you?
I often find myself asking emerging writers in Write of Passage (WoP13) a crucial question: What is stopping you?
They have gone through the hard work of creating an essay. They incorporated feedback from new friends in the breakout rooms. They worked through the edit suggestions of their peer editors. But they haven’t hit publish to send this essay into the outer world.
Instead, they are repeatedly word-smithing their intro page. Or belabouring the formatting and layout of their newsletter before they launch1. So much procrastination masquerading as perfectionism.
And no small dose of fear. Because for many of us it is the first time we put on our party clothes and go out in public as the headliner act.
I get you.
The question I ask emerging writers who are feeling this publication pressure:
Are you in your head? What is stopping you?
Is being seen in public getting in the way of publishing? And how can I help?
“Bra strap. On the left.”2 If you picked up on that side-whisper five-word part of the script in The Diplomat Series 2, E3: Ides of March you are my people! I grew up in the era where you protected your privacy. Fiercely.
The head game is real
So, for those of us who grew up all buttoned up, sharing any part of ourselves in public can feel unprofessional and risky. That head game is real.
The first time you publish (anything) in public is a particular hurdle - I will not lie. Whether it is purely business professional or sprinkled with personal, you feel exposed. I spent the first five years of my online life lurking on LinkedIn. I’d DM connections in response to a good post, always wary of giving out the thumbs up sign. I didn’t want my support, reflections or feelings to be “seen in public”. I had to train myself. I gradually graduated to comments. And then onto posts. Creating a Substack was yet another leveling up. It was like learning to ride a bike - as much head game as mechanics.
How I overcame this head space:
I had to decide if what I wanted to say was worth saying out loud and to a broader audience. If so, I had to gather my confidence and overcome my shyness and reticence.
HAYHOE'S WRITING MOVED ME TO ACTION. In 2021 I read climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe’s book Saving Us. Her CTA is simple "Talk about it". Her words made the difference for me. Her clear CTA galvanized me.
The Earth is burning and drowning. I can no longer afford to stay shy and fly under the radar. I choose to write in a way that inspires agency and action in Climate through shared values and collective action, because the best ideas can come from anyone, anywhere, at any time.
Each week I recommit. I choose to write.
Find your why
Your words matter, too.
You know why you want to — or are compelled to — write.
Who will you inspire with your words?
Meantime …
There are a number of new writers who have found the courage to publish their first essays in public. Each is stunning. If you come across one of these early-stage writers, please give them some encouragement - a like, a comment means their inner battle to bust out of the pupa, flex their wings and show up in public has been noticed.
And if you are in the orbit of an early-stage creator in any genre (music, podcast, video, essay) please support and encourage them to share what they feel compelled to share.
Because in a world of 8 billion people, someone, somewhere needs to hear what that creator has to say in the way only they can say it, to cut through the noise and connect through the isolation of the internet.
Please share this with someone who is on the brink of launching their heartfelt creation into the world:
This essay is another in the series Sustainable Craft of Story-Weaving
Also read:
I wanted to send a BIG shout out to our fellow Tilt Tribe Member
on publishing the 100th edition of his newsletter . He spreads cheer and such joy while tackling important topics.Wow. What happened recently? We’ve had 20 new members join Tribe Tilt over the past 20 days.
Welcome! You join a wonderful group that believes we can make a difference to the people and places that are precious to us, and that we have fun, hope and agency in our lives. We believe that the best ideas can come from anyone, anywhere, at any time. Please add your voice to our conversations.
Stay healthy. From there all else becomes possible.
Until next week …
Pro tip - with Substack, you can easily go back, re-edit and republish these pages!
S2:E3 [36:30] The Diplomat, Ides of March. “We have an underpinning situation.” Her aide informs Ambassador Wyler to tuck in her trailing bra strap before greeting the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
I've hit PUBLISH twice and I'm in cohort 13 of WoP. Feels liberating. Your clarion call has been heeded.
Your courage is inspiring and I love the way you encourage new writers. You are midwifing so much creativity, and it's fabulous!