I know you may have discussed these topics in other writing and conversations but I think including them in the new book would be helpful. When is the time right for such a journey (in terms of the children’s age) and how to continue their education/schooling while traveling.

Also, awesome highlight of Christin!

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Thank you for this helpful comment, Randy. Now to figure out where it belongs in the book. I think I know!

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I love the highlight of Christin! She's such a warm and supportive force in so many of the groups I'm in now and you've really captured what's special about her here. I don't have an answer for your book, but I am very excited that you are writing it! As I expressed in my comment highlighted here (thank you!), I really do admire that you and your family embarked on that world trip and I know for a fact you are going to have some interesting insights to float up from it. Can't wait to read it!

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I may just have you do a review of my book outline, Michelle!

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✨Christin Chong✨ is an absolute gem of a human. My kindness sensei. An inspiration. 😌

We need more Christin Chongs in the world.

Thank you for spotlighting such a good little bean!!

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You said it best, Sandra. We need more Christins! And Sandras. I love the groups that I interesect with - they are filled with good people.

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Beautiful profile of Christin, Karena. She was a mentor in my WOP cohort but due to time zone differences, I had to skip her sessions. “I didn’t find all the answers with neuroscience, and am finding more incremental answers with spirituality pursuits.” -- a rare example of tireless search for meaning in a world where many PhD’s claim to have all the answers.

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If you need an excuse - any excuse - do connect with Christin. She really is a kind and gentle being. Intelligently so. Always searching for more truth.

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Great to be introduced to Christin here Karena, who sounds like my kind of person. I’ve now subscribed to her work. And thanks also for the mention - you caught me by surprise. 😊

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I love creating connections and community, Margaret. You and Christin should talk about Weather Report too! And thank you for engaging with my newsletter - I appreciate the comments, particularly when the topics are difficult.

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Great idea! We all need rest.

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I learned a lot from you, Andrew - particularly how carefully you have re-crafted your personal journey with sleep as a student. Maybe I was inspired by your Day 21 vlog "Getting enough Rest"? Or maybe you and I think alike.

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