The days are long, but the years are short
I’m away on vacation. As I messaged my editing partners Brooke and Emma:
It is our 30th anniversary gift to this family of five.
We realized it’s been 10 years since all five of us traveled together (not visiting extended family).
All to say: The days are long, but the years are short. Nothing is more true. 1
Make Great Memories. In these short 18 years of innocence, gather up your cuddles alongside the laundry — this will be the fuel for the word “family” when, in the future, you all scatter to different corners of the globe. Soon you will have to contend with summer internships, friend vacations and your grown children’s independent travel plans.
Those of you who read my 1,000-day radar exercise may have registered my “aha?” when I realized that I am currently sitting in “bonus time” - a window in my future where I have fewer responsibilities and reasonable health. So decided I was going to front load these years with the more strenuous, adventurous travel on my list, and make great memories with my family.
James Bailey has graciously accepted to help me publish this edition, so that I can switch off and be present with my family.
James is a very special member of Tribe Tilt, and someone I have already grown to call friend and confidante even though we have yet to meet in person. I read his essays and either feel seen or want to be seen by him!
My Box of Essay Candy:
Author: James Bailey
This is the story of a bowl of glass hearts that sits on a conference at work:
is an investment advisor, but he leads with being a dad to twin daughters. He is also one of the best human beings.I’ll start with excerpts from the end of his essay “Heartfelt” and you will see why it had to be this essay that I chose for Essay Candy this particular week:
Who are your magnificent hearts?
Who are your most precious hearts?
Whose hearts fill the glass bowl of you?
My most precious hearts are those traveling with me as you read this.
But they are not the only ones that fill my bowl. Over the past year, I have rubbed against so many tender and generous hearts. They have held me while I mourned, gently challenged me when I was confused. In response and return, I have made space for little hearts to grow more confident, to be seen and flourish. I have interacted with the hearts of emerging writers, testing their topic, taking test flights and showing off their spectacular colours.
When I look at the sum total of all the hearts around me, I restore my faith in the possibility of humans.
I discovered you could glimpse the future, just not in a crystal ball, but in a human heart.
Last week, a client exclaimed, “These hearts are magnificent!” as she reached into the bowl and picked out several to examine.
“One of them,” I replied, “is yours.”
“You mean that I can have one?” she asked, unsure.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I meant that one of those hearts represents your heart.”
James writes beyond money. He invests in people and relationships and meaning. But what I find attractive is that with James the story behind the person becomes the purpose that the money serves. The heart represents their intentions and their dreams.
Now grab a hydration of your choice, and hit the READ MORE button to enjoy James’ full essay. You will be bouncing forward through the rest of your week!
When you are done, I encourage you to join the many people following James. His essays are as thoughtful as they are heartfelt. And leave us both a comment on what resonated most deeply about this essay.
WoP mentor and alum, and EduParent
is running English and Spanish book clubs to discuss to read 'The Anxious Generation' by Jonathan Haidt". The book is a must-read! It talks about the effects that social media and smartphones are having on our children. A group has been formed to start in January 2025. For more details about the book club and to sign up, follow this link: already signed up! Let me know if you're joining!
We have a starting date, (YAY!): We will begin our Book Club on Tuesday January 14th, 2025 at 12:30PM Central American Time. Please get ready with your books.
Where can I purchase a book? I have extra books on sale for $25.00 each (English version), you can purchase it HERE. (only available in San Salvador, El Salvador).
**If you prefer to read it in Spanish, you can purchase it through Internacional de Libros y Regalos HERE
Welcome to Tribe Tilt. New here? You have self-selected into wonderful, thoughtful group. We believe we can make a difference to the people and places that are precious to us, and that we have fun, hope and agency in our lives. We believe that the best ideas can come from anyone, anywhere, at any time. Please add your voice to our conversations.
Stay healthy. From there all else becomes possible.
Until next week …
I found that quote in a 2016 Gretchen Rubin YouTube video that coincided with my oldest leaving for university. Obviously, I was in tears and the moment stuck with me:
Karena, thank you and I’m deeply honored by your words and the impact my essay had on you. I will have you know that my feeling of you is much the same as you make a huge contribution to the lives of others. Your ripple extends far.
And I hope you are having a fabulous time with your family in the Galapagos! 🐦
Much love to you.
Beautiful James. Not just written beautifully but the sentiment behind it. Yes the world sure needs more of this. Lots more.
I don't deal directly with too many clients. And it's in a diffedent realm. So yes i try and do so whenever i can. But i do work with a lot of youngsters in our crazy IT field. And I'm always doing this with them and teaching them to do it with others. Whoever and wherever.
There's such an acute shortage of empathy and heartfett-ness in our world these days. It's so sad.
Great article. Well put. Loved it.