I remember how excited I was to discover "eustress" - which made me feel not crazy for seeking out challenges. The Yerkes-Dodson Law pairs nicely with the concept as well for anyone interested in more on the subject. Congrats on your prodigious output over the last 2 years and thank you.

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Just Googled Yerkes-Dodson! Thank you for adding that, Rick. I'd edit it into the essay above.

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HUGE congrats on your two-year anniversary, Karena! Love the reflections. You're an inspiration.

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Thank you for being so supportive from the start - and asking me to offer more of myself in my writing.

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Congratulations on two years of wonderful progress! I continue to learn so much from you (though we met only this year) and I'm grateful to be on this WOP journey with you. Thanks also for the shoutout, that's extremely kind of you!

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It's inspirational, what you can pull together in one lunch time!

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I want to highlight this line, because I absolutely adore it - "The best idea can come from anyone, anywhere, at any time. You have permission."

Awesome Karena :)

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Please do. Write it and hang it above your work space. Tell others. It is where agency to voice our thoughts comes from. (And makes for great movie scripts in the future!)

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Thank you for another thoughtful and well written post. I love the concept behind eustress and distress - that's news to me! And I love that I have a new vocabulary word. Keep up the great work!

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I just picked up something new from Rick in the comment above! I love learning new things like this. And from your essays, repositioning my thinking on the traditional way of shepherding our next generations.

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Oh my. That's a good one! I forsee an article about that soon, but thought the lens of parenting of course 😉

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That is what it is all about, right @catherine? Your article today was on point - reverse modelling for the young "do unto others". If we model how to discern between healthy and unhealthy stress, we position our children to adapt.

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