Love the prompts to “preempt these failure points” in getting to 100 editions!

Also, appreciate you sharing insights about Lahaina. How heartbreaking 💔

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The actual reports from Hawaii are heart breaking.

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Karena

Thank you for your persistent care for our planet and those suffering most from climate change.

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"Scheduling a deliberate break may — surprisingly — boost your work by enhancing its sustainability." Absolutely. For the past two summers I've taken a six-week break and that's helped me continue my overall publishing schedule. I guess I'm so used to having a summer break ~ or at least one in August ~ that it doesn't feel right to me to work in August.

When I was eight, just after the school year ended, Iasked my Dad if he had the summer off, too. He just chuckled and said no. I distinctly remember feeling so very sorry for him.

Related: The author Robin Sloane thinks that a "personal email newsletter ought to be divided into seasons, just like a TV show" (https://www.robinsloan.com/notes/newsletter-seasons/) as does Mike Sowden for his newsletter (https://everythingisamazing.substack.com/about).

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Thank you. I sat and read both those newsletters. It is good to know that these powerhouse writers also feel this way! "Wisdom".

Your story about you dad was sweet: "I felt sorry for him". We ran a painting business years ago. My son thought only kids got weekends!

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